Key Factors to Consider for a Duck Boat Blind


Using duck boat blinds provides you with a movable space to conceal yourself as you wait for waterfowl to come within range. Duck boat blinds come in several shapes and sizes, so you have a lot of options to consider whether you're buying a boat blind or retrofitting a boat with a kit. It's a good idea to talk to some fellow duck hunters who have experience with boat blinds, as well as to do some online research to look at the many options that are available. Here are three key factors that you'll need to keep in mind as you plan your duck boat blind.

Style Of Camouflage

One of the defining characteristics of any duck boat blind is that it's covered in camouflage. This component is necessary for helping the blind blend into the surrounding terrain. In most cases, the terrain will be the vegetation at the side of a lack, pond, or another body of water that ducks frequent. There's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to choosing the style of camouflage that you'll use. Different areas have different types of vegetation, so you want to ensure that your boat blind's camouflage is a close match for where you'll be hunting. Whether you use synthetic materials as camouflage or actual branches and grasses, it's imperative that they blend in.

Interior Space

Many duck boat blinds have doors that cover the top of the boat that you can open when you're ready to hunt. You'll likely keep these doors open as you travel to where you plan to hunt, but you'll close the doors once you're in position. You'll need to be mindful of how much space you have inside of the boat when the doors are closed. Some boats are roomier inside, which can be favorable because you may be in this enclosed space for a long time before you spot ducks in the area.

Door Opening Ease

Another key factor to think about is how easily the doors of your duck boat blind open. When ducks are in the area, you need to be able to throw open the door, acquire the prey in your sights, and squeeze the trigger — all in quick succession. You don't want to be fumbling with the doors because they're heavy to move, for example. Your prey will pick up on your movement quickly, and may be able to fly out of range before you're ready to take a shot. Doors that are lightweight and easy to open will increase your likelihood of a successful hunt.


7 August 2020

Gear Makes the Game

If you took away the basketball and the nets, you would no longer have a basketball game — you would just have a bunch of fit athletes standing in the middle of a court. As this example illustrates, you need the right gear to play the game. This is as true of soccer, football, and even running as it is for basketball. Each game has its own necessary equipment. If you are new to a certain sport, you might be wondering what equipment is essential, and what equipment you can wait to purchase. That's just one of many questions you'll find is answered as you start reading the many articles on this website dedicated to sports and sporting goods.